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Video: Protests in the UK
On 10th February 2008, over 100 different protests against the Church of Scientology took place, in seventeen different countries. Before that date, the largest UK protests of the Church had had about two dozen members. On this day, however, about 900 people protested around the country.
From the UK protests alone, dozens of videos have been put on YouTube. Here is a personal selection.
London: nearly 500 protestors!
This protest took place at two locations: first the new flagship building in the City of London, then the recruitment centre on Tottenham Court Road. Video by Shahate from news.guardianpublications.com
Edinburgh: about 130 protestors
Manchester: nearly 150 protestors
Plymouth: nearly 20 protestors
The Scientologists send out children to pretend to be part of the protest and harass the protestors.
Birmingham: nearly 40 protestors
There was coverage of this protest on local TV programme Central News.
10th February 2008 also saw protests in York: about 20 protestors, Sunderland (about 15 protestors), Brighton (roughly 5 protestors),
Next: 15th March protest, "Operation Party Hard"
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