Up: Martin Poulter > Scientology Criticism > Video

The Big Story on Scientology: Inside the Cult (Video)

Carlton TV got a scoop when reporter Ali Braund went undercover with a hidden camera in the Poole organisation. They also used other sources in making this landmark documentary about the The Church of Scientology. The cult tried to sue the documentary makers, but it was dismissed as an abuse of the courts.

The programme was first shown 13 July 1995, and a transcript is available at WhyAreTheyDead.net Thanks to nourlol for uploading the video to YouTube.

Part 1

Conway and Siegelman survey; security checking (Sec Check); deceptive recruitment; L. Ron Hubbard; Robert Vaughn Young; plan to eradicate Suppressive Persons from the Earth; myths about L. Ron Hubbard's life

Part 2

beginnings of the Sea Org; David Miscavige; personality test; emotional manipulation; Key To Life course; controlling an ashtray; Training Routine 0 (staring)

Part 3

Gary Fry signing over £21,000; auditing; emotional high induced by auditing; hard sell techniques; claims of improved memory; Adam Bird paying £34,000

Part 4

Gary Fry leaving and getting refund; Saint Hill castle and the Sea Org; the billion-year contract; goal of "clearing" the planet; Jon Atack; OT3 and Xenu; OT levels and Body Thetans; security checking

Part 5

use of "confidential" confessional materials for blackmail; arrest of Ali Braund; Scientology's refusal to co-operate with the programme; the Fair Game policy; author Russell Miller and the attempt to frame him for murder; Fair Gaming of Jon Atack; suicidal thoughts upon leaving; death of John Buchanan in Germany

Up: Martin Poulter > Scientology Criticism