Up: Martin Poulter > Scientology Criticism > UK Media Archive
The Guardian, April 10, 1996
By Matthew Norman
FROM Hollywood - world capital of truth and accuracy - comes a new publication called "TAIM". An acronym for "Truth and Accuracy In the Media" - the name of the group of self-styled "political leaders, artists and sports personalities" behind this newsletter - its intent appears to be to punish journalists who are horrid about the famous. To this end, it promises to build up a database of every hack in the world, so that subscribers ($ 60 a year) can check up on proposed interviewers. Volume I, Issue 1, begins by naming a Dutch hack who was rude about an actress. More intriguingly, the front page offers a reward for information about World in Action journalists, who are accused en masse of "constant discard of the truth". Curiously, the article states that "the nature of the investigation will not yet be revealed". More curiously, nowhere in the newsletter nor on the web site (http://home.earthlink.net/taim/) is there any clue about those behind the organisation - although at the latter, at least I managed to download and print out a complaint form. (I am reporting myself to TAIM over the incident that led Peter Bolmondely to denounce me to the Commons.) One small thing: for sending the complaint, by post, to the "founders of TAIM" at a Hollywood PO box, the charge is $ 49. Mm.
Up: Martin Poulter > Scientology Criticism > UK Media Archive